Fonda lives full-time in Kigali leading our international team, both in Rwanda and the US. Before joining our team, she worked for Acacia Accounting Associates in Kigali, where she worked with Rwandan accountants. That opportunity introduced her to culture and business from a different perspective and prepared her for her work with B2R.
Fonda moved to Rwanda in 2014 to join her husband Nate, who works in education and community development through his position as director for Hope Haven Rwanda, a rural school and farm. Before moving to Rwanda, Fonda served as the Director of College Guidance at Valor Christian High School in Highlands Ranch, CO.
She previously worked in a family business that was later sold to a national corporation, The Brickman Group, for 25 years. During her time there, she developed experience in sales, administration, finance, human resources, training, and management. Fonda and Nate have three grown children in the US.