Entrepreneur, Stockbroker, & Parent
During her business career, Judi Dawson worked as a CPA, entrepreneur and institutional stockbroker. She began her accounting career with KPMG before launching her own business – importing and retailing ceiling fans and lighting in Texas and Colorado. From 1986 -1998, Judi was a Vice President and top-producing stockbroker at Stephens Inc. where she served institutional equity investors in the United Kingdom.
From 1998-2009, Judi served as a full-time parent and youth leader – organizing and leading mission trips throughout the U.S. and to Mexico, Ecuador and Rwanda. Judi has a special passion for young people, entrepreneurs and Rwanda. She earned an accounting degree at the University of Texas in Austin. She and Dale live in Albuquerque and have two grown children, a son-in-law and daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren.